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Protest & Survive…Sean Fitzgerald

Sean Fitzgerald is one of those OG punks that is still keeping the true spirit alive today. He is the host of Scairt Radio, which he does in conjunction with Profane Existence. I will let CVLT Nation Sean tell you more about that – what I want to talk about is Fitzgerald’s artwork. He combines illustration and graphic design to conjure eerie scenes that come across as something you would see in your nightmares. He does gig posters and album covers, and the images he creates are like seeing Hell through hazy eyes. Looking at some of his covers, like the Mutilated Messiah album, I feel like I have done way too many mushrooms and the evil has taken over my brain, with ghostly figures rising from behind my eyelids to terrorize me. Don’t think I’m exaggerating – I have actually seen shit like that. His illustration is super sick too; I really love the Wolfbeast Destroyer cover and the Phobia CD and poster art. I’m already listening to Scairt while I write this, so stay tuned for a post from Sean (CN) on that. After the jump, check out more of Sean’s work…

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