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Black Metal

Premiere: FRONT “Heathen Resistance”

Aaahhhhh Shit! Are you ready for some Raw, War-Laden Black Metal channeling the ghost of Lemmy? Well, FRONT is here and their new LP Iron Overkill opens a colossal can of metallic genocide on the world that has only one mission, and that is to destroy ALL! Every tune is a battle cry for us to take a stand against false metal so that the REAL can rise to the top! Where many war metal bands only want to behead the listener, FRONT takes a different approach because they lace their anthems of death with just the right amount of filth groove! On June 24th, our comrades Iron Bonehead Productions will be releasing Iron Overkill, but right here and motherfucking now, we are premiering the new FRONT song “Heathen Resistance” below!







  1. Miles brisbit

    May 11, 2016 at 12:09 pm


  2. Kahl Mags

    May 10, 2016 at 1:07 am

    Too sad, that “Iron Bohnehead Productions” are distributing NSBM-band like “triumph, genus”.

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