Yo Adam, pass me that spliff and blast that doom…the kind that will have my braincells in the THC clouds. Better yet Sean, I’ll turn you on to my band RAMESSES, the psychedelic warlords of the underworld! From the very first time I heard this band, I knew they were a trip that I wanted to take. This summer is major for RAMESSES: their record Possessed by the Rise of Magik via Ritual Productions (limited to only 200) has been remixed by Justin Broadrick (Godflesh/Jesu) and is avaiable now HERE! Hold on, there’s more: in August they will be smoking their way around the UK with EYEHATEGOD & Dopefight, check out the tour poster after the jump. Since I’m about to get my high on, I have put together a resinated video essay featuring RAMESSES live footage and other weirdness. Also, stay tuned for a CVLT Nation & RAMESSES interview in the near future. Now fill up your bong, light that shit and inhale the videos after the jump!

June 29, 2012 at 12:36 am
B E S T B A N D I N H E L L ! ! !