How did I get turned on to 80’s Japanese punk? The xeroxed pages of the early issues of MRR. I will never forget seeing names like The Comes, Lip Cream, Stalin in print for the first time. There was something different about what was going in Japan compared to SoCal that fascinated me. So I started to dig deep and found that I really liked the sound of Japanese punk. Later on in my life, I traveled to Japan and experienced the Punk scene for myself. I can not explain it, but I totally feel at home in this scene. Check out these kick ass portraits of Japanese punks doing their thing during the 80’s!
All Photos From 80s hardcore punk photos
Joseph Anthony Gentle
April 26, 2015 at 8:30 am
I’m in school right now to hopefully get into the JET program teaching English in Japan. I’m probably most looking forward to being able to try to experience some of Japan’s underground music in person.
January 16, 2015 at 6:37 am
Also, MRR (not “MMR”) was offset printed, never Xeroxed. So much for your credibility, son.
January 13, 2015 at 1:38 pm
Yes, I really like 80’s japanese indies music especially hardcore punk. I was 18 years old at that time. Went lots of gigs. It still has facinated me through all my life. I like lip cream, gauze, outo, systematic death, S.O.B. ghoul, rsoe rose, death side, Stalin, The Willard, etc. Some musicians passed away young. S.O.B. Tottusan, ghoul Masami, Continental kids Ranko…. Some musician still continues the bands. I’m lucky to have experience of this boom. It’s has lots of fans in any age and any country.
January 13, 2015 at 11:26 am
It’s MRR not MMR…