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Phenomena of the Psyche: The Art of Cenin

There’s something contradictory about Cenin’s artworks, the subjects rather dark, strange and surreal, but with the combination of vibrant colors. I’d say, this is a psychedelia surrealism! Cenin von Catlien is the alter ego of Turkey-based visionary artist Burcu Çorbaci, her medium is traditional drawing with the use of colored pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens and markers. Cenin means “fetus” in English, she lives and works in mind, womb, tomb and Istanbul. Her subjects of drawing concerns self alienation, the feelings of death-melancholy-despair, fear, occultism, gnosticism, depressions, self destruction, traumatic feelings of being born and everything in between. I noticed that some of her drawings mainly focus on woman, child and fetus. Also the expression of that creepy “dollish” face, she has her own characteristic! Cenin’s works have been exhibited in Poland, Germany, Brazil and also her hometown Istanbul. She made several illustrations for some underground fanzines, and also has been featured and interviewed in several publications such as Yeni Harman magazine (Turkey), Imagine The Imagination: New Visions of Surrealism book (published by Negoist, Poland), and a few others. Check out some of her rad artworks, after the jump!

“Dichotomy Incarnate”

“Catlien Child”


“Enlightened by Darkness”


“Transsexual God”

“Without Hope, Without Fear”

You can check more of her artworks on the following links :
Facebook Fan Page

Zombies, aliens, robots, mutants, androids, creatures, weirdos, freaks, monsters, animals, outsiders, insiders and proletarians of all countries, unite!
~ Cenin von Catlien

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