My brain is being attacked by the noise aliens right now. I know who is really attacking me right now – it’s the weird sound of Glasgow’s DIVORCE.This band’s new self-titled album out now on Night School Records is a grand excerise in originality. At times, it might seem like where the fuck are their songs headed, but when you listen deeper you will hear the real method in their madness. DIVORCE makes some of the most bugged-out punk rock that I have ever heard. Imagine if the X-RAY SPEX were forced to eat the songwriting skills of the FALL – this sort of decribes their sound. What I really like about DIVORCE is all of the demented grooves that swirl around their tunes. On song after song on this album, they hammer your inner ear with aggro art angst that will leave you with a brand new sense of the absurd. Every minute of this album you can hear the fun that this band has. Right now their is some serious shit happening in the underground over in the United Kingdom, and DIVORCE is evident of this new wave of awesomeness. Part of what is going on is that many types of different genres of bands share the same bill at shows, so in a very organic way they are exchanging ideas. Please don’t leave me…I don’t want a DIVORCE because music wouldn’t be the same without you…peep their tunes below and spazz the fuck out!

Wizard Aura
October 1, 2012 at 4:37 pm
Saying that Divorce sounds like X-Ray Spex or The Fall is like saying every metal band sounds like Black Sabbath. No shit! but not really….
Now, if you had compared said band to Arab on Radar and Melt Banana, you might be getting somewhere. On that note, I’d highly recommend you purchase the entire Skin Graft Records back catalogue.