Pale Creation – while probably everyone who’s into the infamous Cleveland Hardcore scene has heard about this band, it’s practically unknown outside of this small subscene. A fact that’s not very surprising, since most exceptional art is perceived only by a small group of people. In the wake of Pale Creation’s latest release, a split 7“ with the Australian band Abraxis on Tdon Records, I had the chance to ask Nick Brewer, the singer, a few questions about Pale Creation’s past and present actions. Read the full article after the jump!
When I asked him about the history of Pale Creation, Nick answered quite brusquely; all he had to say about this was to check out the Pale Creation discography CD Before Twilight And After, which was released in 2008 and contains a written history of the band up until that time. Speaking of which, “Before Twilight and After on Holy Terror Records seemed to spark its original members interest to reconvene“, told Nick. Up until that time the band wasn’t active anymore.

Pale Creation live / Photo: Christopher Zibutis
Of course, just like a lot of bands from the original 90’s Cleveland Hardcore scene, Pale Creation is associated with Holy Terror, a quasi philosophical idea and cult, heavily promoted by Dwid Hellion and his band Integrity. For Nick, “Holy Terror is a rule to follow. A rule allowing us to create what we want, on our own terms.“ Building upon this basic idea, Pale Creation never bound themselves to certain formular of how their music has to be. “I think sometimes that our somewhat ‘experimental’ approach to writing sometimes scares your average Hardcore listener away. I personally feel that a lot of the music we have created over the years tends to be a bit more Metal than Hardcore sounding.“
That brought us to the point of talking about the musical influences of Pale Creation in general and Nick’s in particular. In his opinion, the earliest Pale Creation recordings “were very metal sounding but were missing the guitar solos – that would have earned it that ‘Hardcore’ title.“ Twilight Haunt, their first official full length, was very Metal as well, as Nick states, yet it was released on a Hardcore label. While growing up, Nick was „a devoted Punk and Hardcore fan. But in the 80’s a lot of Hardcore bands started to polish their sound and leaned towards making more Metal or ‘crossover’ sounding records“. Naturally, in Cleveland Integrity, Ringworm and the „criminally unknown band“ False Hope were huge, and due to this had a certain influence on the guys in Pale Creation. In the 90’s, Nick’s personal preferences leaned more towards Metal “like Metallica, Slayer, Motörhead and many Black Metal bands like Venom etc.“ When you listen closely to Pale Creation’s music, there’s also a quite strong influence of Goth and Dark Wave, which makes perfect sense, since Nick has “always been a fan of Goth type music like the Cure, Bauhaus, The Lords Of The New Church, just to name a few.“
There are good news for all you vinyl lovers out there: Along with other sought after, now considered “classic” Hardcore records, A389 Records are about to re-release the Twilight Haunt record for the first time ever on vinyl. A few months ago Dom of A389 Records asked Nick if Pale Creation would be interested in such a re-release. “We were totally flattered and agreed absolutely. I can promise the vinyl reissue will be of amazing quality and will include the never published lyrics and many never before seen photos. It will be a very limited pressing on colored vinyl.”

Pale Creation live
So what can we expect of Pale Creation in the future? There are quite a few things scheduled: “We have three unreleased tracks that we hope to find a label to release. We are also considering a self release.“ And yes, there are already plans and ideas for a new full length record, “but don’t hold your breath – I am certain this will take some time.” In the meantime everyone should check out the many other bands and projects that involve members of Pale Creation: “Justin Endres is in the Cleveland band Law of Destruction, a powerhouse of metal genius. Matt Shack and I continue to record with RosesNeverFade. Expect a new EP on the European Neuropa label in September. We are also working on a RosesNeverFade full length with the newest member Nathan Opposition of Ancient VVisdom fame.“
So you see, there’s a lot to look out for in the future. And I’m sure Pale Creation won’t disappoint with any of their new releases. Thanks to Nick for his fast reply to my answers and sorry it took so long to get this online.

November 19, 2011 at 12:32 pm
Amazing band and awesome people. Great interview Nick – No matter how many members come and go PC stands for artistic integrity. I cant wait to experience what you guys have in store for us fans!
Nathan Opposition
November 13, 2011 at 4:44 pm
Badass group finally getting the cred they deserved for all the years they’ve been destroying. Keep killin it. New stuff hits!
November 6, 2011 at 9:32 am
Matt Shack forever. Nifi Never.
Supercharged Yeti
November 6, 2011 at 1:33 am
meh. Of all the smokin clevo bands, pale creation barely stand out. Do your homework! If you want to check out the hottest bands in clevo go to Now Thats Class. Cheap Tragedies, Gordon Solie Motherfuckers, Ringworm, Face Value, Darvocets, Inmates, way too many better bands in the clevo scene to hype than this failed Integrity knock off.
nick brewer
November 14, 2011 at 10:14 pm
So….. why aren’t you mentioned here….. tony?
Jack Cloud
October 22, 2011 at 5:08 am
There’s a reason this band is practically unknown. The only reason it is not TOTALLY unknown is due to the endorsement of one John B. McLimans. And the only redeeming musical value of any Pale Creation release is the drumming. All else is boring.
frank novinec
September 12, 2011 at 7:24 pm
nice job nick, very pissed! love the guitar work
nick brewer
September 12, 2011 at 11:05 pm
thanks Mr. Novinec. hails to you!!!!
nick brewer
November 5, 2011 at 10:06 pm
yeah we kicked that drummer out .
Khalil Boulos
September 7, 2011 at 8:14 pm
Awesome news can’t wait Nick!!!!!!
Khalil Boulos
September 7, 2011 at 8:14 pm
I can’t wait,this is awesome news Nick!!!!!!!!!!
August 25, 2011 at 5:45 pm
Very exciting news for the PC & the HT camp!
I can’t wait for the A389 release of Twilight Haunt!
Also, I agree HCShirt, that release is one of my top records of the year!
Here’s to hoping that Nick and crew can make it to Australia one day.
August 25, 2011 at 5:31 pm
This is such an awesome record! The art work is spewing with emotion which unfolds also in the music! Everyone should buy this bad boy and mosh in their rooms to it!
August 24, 2011 at 7:56 am
Blondie Nicks
August 23, 2011 at 4:41 pm
Pale Creation was brutal when I saw them at the A389 2011 show! Nick is passionate about his projects & promotions, he works hard at producing good projects. Thanks for the interview!
Chris Noir
August 23, 2011 at 12:13 pm
Does anyone know what’s the matter with this Pale Creation DVD that was planned to be released on TDON Records? Just read about that on YouTube.
Hardcore Shirt
August 23, 2011 at 7:50 am
Great fucking band. Their tracks on the split with Abraxis are killer.