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Avant Garde


Have you ever wanted put your head in a pit of audio chaos that has been laced with a dark alley energy? When you listen to CITY BONES’ 2009 tape release, Our Loss, from Razors and Medicine, you will be there with me. I dig the lo-fi blackened noise and sinister grooves that this band conjures up. This tape is only two songs and 6 minutes, but who gives a fuck – it’s short, ugly and ultra awesome! CITY BONES wreaks catchy havoc with the tune “Right To Die”; the beat is so sick, with this low gruff voice that comes in every once in while. This songs reminds of how the Lower East Side use to smell and look back in the 80’s, before the yuppie scum invaded the hood. Their song “Our Loss” sounds like hobos making out to the Cramps in the trash can of love. It’s a trip the way this band makes music – it’s sounds mad primitive, but that’s the trick – when you scratch away at the surface, cryptic layers start to appear. CITY BONES’ music packs a huge punch that many bands could never achieve with expensive studios. This band kills shit with their use of left of center melody that just creeps up on you and gives you the creeps. From now and forever, the City Bones will always move my bones!

[audio:|titles=CITY BONES Right To Die]
[audio:|titles=CITY BONES Our Loss]

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