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Art Show + More

We all look things in a different way, that’s one of things that helps to make the world a cool place. This fact is especially true when it comes to art, and even more when it comes to street art. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t dig graffiti; I have always seen the artistic value in street art. That’s the great thing about living in New York – almost every surface is covered with a sticker or scrawl. This art form has now transcended color, gender, class and subculture. GIVE UP, the Texas street artist, is a perfect example of all this; all you need to do is look at his pieces to get where I’m coming from. He uses different facets of our morbid reality to get his point across. What’s killer about GIVE UP is that he is able to work in several mediums to create his art, from wheat paste, paint, spray paint and digital design. CVLT Nation has been a fan of his since he was brought to our attention by Traitors & Martyrs. We are proud to announce that he is having his art show this coming Saturday, May 5th, 2012, at the Cardoza Fine Art gallery in Houston, Texas – peep the flyer below. For those reading this that do not live in the Longhorn state, check out a huge gallery of his work that we put together after the jump. Also, recognize that GIVE UP has an awesome WEBSTORE stocked with all sort of gnarly shit from prints and music to gear. Stay tuned, we will be reviewing some tunes from his new tape label in the near future!



  1. give up

    May 2, 2012 at 9:49 am

    fuck yeah. thanks for posting this guys. appreciate that. my first solo show was in 2005 actually, but stoked all the same. need to finally put a CV together. i’m going to get that package in the post for ya’ll as soon as i get back.

  2. Austin

    May 2, 2012 at 5:39 am

    Great writeup! But this is definitely not his first solo show.

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