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Obscure yet nostalgic: Burning Skies of Elysium

I’m back again with another awesome gem I found via youtube, sadly I couldnt find more info about this obscure post-punk band from UK named Burning Skies of Elysium (or simply Elysium for short). I have no idea when they were formed, but their first 7″ singles titled “Summer House” released in 1984. After that followed by another singles: “Carousel” (12″ singles, 1985) and “Alone” (7″ singles, 1987), and their final release on LP titled “The Last Revolving Door” (1987). Musically their ‘poppish’ and melodic sounds kinda reminds me of The Cure, but vocal wise kinda like a more ‘romantic’ version of Southern Death Cult. I’m not that old, but seriously the atmosphere that Elysium created made me feel nostalgic everytime I listen to them! What so unique about them is, they incorporated the use of Saxophone on some of their songs (listen to “Death of the Clowns” or “Far From the Crowd” for example). Damn, its like X-Ray Spex playing a darker tunes! “The Last Revolving Door” became one of my fav post-punk/gothic albums, a must listen to all of you fans of obscure post-punk out there. Enough said, feel the nostalgia right after the jump.



  1. keith m

    February 3, 2012 at 3:05 pm

    Hi, I worked with chris mitchell years ago and went to many elysium/lolatwist gigs. I bumped into him a few years back not long after matt venn died sadly. but have lost touch. If anyone could help it would be great as he is such a good bloke. PS they did sound a bit like the cure as they grew up in roughly the same area at the same time with simalar influences

  2. Kirill

    September 21, 2011 at 7:40 am

    Debut recording from the 3 piece originally known as Elysium, recorded in 1982 and forming part of a 4 track ep cassete only release.

    I fully agree with the author of the article – it’s a great band!
    Every song sounds constantly on the new.

    I talked to Ron Howe (played in the band on saxophone). He said:

    “The band went on to do some more stuff but unfortunately, the drummer Graham Mitchell, died from a long illness. We was replaced by Mark Simmonds, but then the bass player Matt Venn, died in a car accident … the brother Chris Mitchell then just lost heart. ”

    But with Mark Symonds Group mpomenyala its name to “lolatwist” and has recorded three albums: “Sold On It”, “the strange and elusive mr shadow”, “alternate endings”.
    Bass, Backing Vocals, Keyboards – Mat Venn (burning skies of elysium)
    Drums, Percussion, Keyboards – Mark Simmonds
    Vocals, Guitar, Keyboards – Chris Mitchell (burning skies of elysium)
    Written-By – Mitchell, Simmonds, Venn

    Sold On It was recorded accurately with Mat Venn. At the expense of the other two I’m not sure because I do not know the exact date of his death in a car crash.

    At the moment I only have “The Last Revolving Door” (1987) – CD(1993) with 13 songs.
    I would like to get their debut EP in 1982, where 4-track, “Summer House” (1984), as well as three songs that were not published (Just Imitation, Weeping and Wailing, Wicked With You)

    If you have any information about this, write me:)

    • Kirill

      September 21, 2011 at 7:48 am

      Debut recording from the 3 piece originally known as Elysium, recorded in 1982 and forming part of a 4 track ep cassete only release.

      I fully agree with the author of the article – it’s a great band!
      Every song sounds constantly on the new.

      I talked to Ron Howe (played in the band on saxophone). He said:

      “The band went on to do some more stuff but unfortunately, the drummer Graham Mitchell, died from a long illness. We was replaced by Mark Simmonds, but then the bass player Matt Venn, died in a car accident … the brother Chris Mitchell then just lost heart. ”

      But with Mark Simmonds Group change its name to “lolatwist” and has recorded three albums: “Sold On It”, “the strange and elusive mr shadow”, “alternate endings”.
      Bass, Backing Vocals, Keyboards – Matt Venn (burning skies of elysium)
      Drums, Percussion, Keyboards – Mark Simmonds
      Vocals, Guitar, Keyboards – Chris Mitchell (burning skies of elysium)
      Written-By – Mitchell, Simmonds, Venn

      Sold On It was recorded accurately with Matt Venn. At the expense of the other two I’m not sure because I do not know the exact date of his death in a car crash.

      At the moment I only have “The Last Revolving Door” (1987) – CD(1993) with 13 songs.
      I would like to get their debut EP in 1982, where 4-track, “Summer House” (1984), as well as three songs that were not published (Just Imitation, Weeping and Wailing, Wicked With You)

      If you have any information about this, write me:)

      • chris goathead

        October 20, 2011 at 1:12 am

        Great!! Thank you for the info, I’m downloading lolatwist! Different from Elysium, but quite okay in my opinion. Unfortunately I have no other info can be shared other than what I have wrote, maybe someone who read this know?


        • Kirill

          December 14, 2011 at 10:53 am

          Hi! Where are you download Lolatwist? yave you got their full albums?

          • Chris goathead

            December 14, 2011 at 8:13 pm

            I have no idea if the tracks I’ve downloaded are from the same album or not, since I dont know much about them. But some tracks can be downloaded on their page:


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