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Black Metal


Georgia’s Grinning Death’s Head straight kill shit a million times over on some raw, vomit-driven black metal. On their 2009 release No Afterlife on Youth Attack records they create black metal with the angst of dirty dirty punk. Grinning Death’s Head’s vocalist totally captivates you with his shrill screams of pure blackened agony. The rest of the band sounds like they dismantle chaos in belly of the beast. Lo-fi & rad is the way to describe the sound quality of No Afterlife. 13 songs of epic filth is what Grinning Death’s Head created with this awesome release. The super cool news is that they have a new tape coming out on Youth Attack some time soon…so stay tuned!

Grinning Death’s Head

Grinning Death’s Head : INTRO

Grinning Death’s Head : WILL TO DIE

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