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New Orleans Is The New Vietnam
EYEHATEGOD Review + Stream

I never knew that one song could cause so much ruckus inside a skull. Yet again, this is the new tune from NOLA outlaw sludge demons EYEHATEGOD entitled “New Orleans Is The New Vietnam,” out now on A389 Recordings and available in limited quantities in the CVLT Record Store. This is their first new composition in a long time. That being said, these sonic hooligans bring the audio agony that only they know how to, with tons of sinister groove. On this 7″ EYEHATEGOD shows that the battle scars of life fuel their creative spirit. This band carries the blues of NOLA on their back, and you can hear the hard times and good times in every fucking note. In the music I hear Mike and Jimmy having a conversation back and forth about the doomsday that is about to occur. EYEHATEGOD has made another song that could be bad for cops’ health, because I know when I hear “New Orleans Is The New Vietnam,” I want to give a huge middle finger to authority! Even my 15 month old daughter knows what time it is, because when she hears the tune she spazzes out. After listening to this 4 minute burst of filth, I want EYEHATEGOD to stop whatever they are doing and get into the fucking studio to record their new album NOW!

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