Dilek Baykara creates scenes of epic proportions. Each piece contains vast landscapes of emotion and meaning, drawing the viewer into an ever-expanding universe of morbid power. Her aesthetic is complex, with intense lines and shadows that convey whirling movement, while maintaining a simple focus on her subjects. She portrays death, decay and a reverie of all that is dark, but maintains a perfect balance between beauty and gore. My favorite piece is the mistress of Death, surrounded by her worshipers; there is something so captivating about it, it’s almost like a black hole that sucks you in the minute you get close to it. This Brooklyn-based artists is just getting started in her career, but she has already worked with bands like Eyehategod and Pentagram on some epic posters. She has a bright, dark future ahead of her, and her distinct style of illustration is only going to become more magnetic as she goes forward. After the jump, take a look at some of her work in my little CVLT Nation gallery…

July 29, 2011 at 6:53 pm
Where’s the Ghost poster? That is the most epic poster.