When I look into the darkness, I see so much light – they are opposites but actually could be considered one and the same. Wolvserpentis a band that creates noir clouds with the epic music that they make. This band has a vision that can not be copied, because what they conjure up comes from the bottom of their souls. On wax, Wolvserpent transforms doom into their unearthly gothic likeness & their album, Blood Seed, is something that is more than special, it’s transcendental. But the word on the street is to really experience their sound you have to be a part of one of their Live Rituals. Today, CVLT Nation is showing you their New York City performance at The Acheron, filmed by (((unartig))) . Stay tuned for a Wolvserpent interview on CVLT Nation, plus some other rituals.
Wolvserpent | NYC @ The Acheron | 04 Jun 2011 from (((unartig))) on Vimeo.

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