This record came just at the right time: autumn. The days are getting short, dark and cold. Depression sneaks into your mind oh so easily these days. Lost loves, a hopeless life and a bitter future are never as capable to invade your soul as at this time of the year. What has this to do with the newest LANTLÔS record, entitled Agape? Actually the German-French Post Black Metal connection delivered nothing but the ultimate soundtrack to the scene mentioned above.
The follow-up record to the extraordinary .neon takes the Black Metal meets Postrock concept one step further again. The blackened roots of LANTLÔS only shine through in Neige’s vocals and in some very few uptempo passages. Most of the time LANTLÔS keep the speeds really down, with bits of Shoegazing thrown in and even bluesy excursions from time to time. The production is amazing of course, as is the overall composition of Agape. Every song fits right in its place, every riff is where it seems to belong for ages and every note expresses pure soul and emotion.
All in all Agape is an overwhelmingly beautiful record. When Neige actually sings (like in his band Alceste) LANTLÔS are more captivating than 99% of all so called Postrock outfits there are today. Every single note seems to be composed to carry you away into a hidden, dark place where nothing is of relevance anymore – a journey you shall take by no means. It’s always good to come back here.