From day one, CVLT Nation has made it clear that our webzine represents the global community of weirdos. Personally, my favorite part about reading Maximum Rock & Roll when it first came out was its’ international scene reports, and those memories have played a big role in what we do here. Today I received an email from a British dude that put together a compilation of 21 UK bands entitled UK DIY MIX that he wants to share with the world. Many of the bands he chose already get major spins in the CVLT Nation HQ. Fuck all of my talking, check this unreal comp out below & download the motherfucker…it’s pretty awesome!

June 5, 2012 at 10:55 pm
Thanks so much for posting this.
I hope everyone enjoys these bands.
There’s contact details for every band so if you like them, then get in touch and check out more of their stuff.
Also, if you want anymore information on the UK DIY scene (at least the small part of it I know about) then don’t hesitate to get in touch with me, my email is on there too.