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Journey to the End
Florian Schommer

Florian Schommer is an artist from Cologne, Germany, whose illustrations would look amazing permanently etched into someone’s skin. Sometimes you just see art that looks like it was meant for the human canvas, and his clarity, details and defined texture work beautifully as vignettes and as a part of an epic scene. As a member of German hardcore band AYS, he also has done their album art and merch, which is truly stunning in vinyl format. One of his recent creations is Journey to the End, a sketchbook he created on a trip around the world, taking inspiration from experiences in Russia, Australia, Southeast Asia, the United Kingdom and the European mainland. The result is a story in pictures, and would make an amazing collectable zine. Schommer also animates his work, and has made a couple of videos for AYS and a piece called Skeleton Key – both are visually gorgeous and literally bring his work to life. Check out the videos below and a gallery of his work after the jump…

SKELETON KEY from florian Schommer on Vimeo.

AYS – dead souls records from florian Schommer on Vimeo.

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