I’m pretty happy calling myself a creative weirdo; I really love so many different forms of creativity. I also appreciate so many different forms of creativity from other humans. Ever since I saw my first fanzine when I was like 12 or 13, I have always had a thing for them – to me, they are time capsules of history. I give them the same reverence that some people give ancient books. I think there is something awesome about someone who takes time to make a fanzine that might not have wide distribution, but they do it because it keeps them sane. One of the coolest aspects about CVLT Nation is that we get to seek out other fellow weirdos or better yet they seek us out. Simon Fowler is a rad British artist who works in pen & ink; trust me, his work is off the chain, he been commissioned by Sunno, Earth, Boris & the list goes on. More about his art styles in another feature, today I want to talk about Cataract Publishing Company, run by Fowler & Cataract, which puts out these amazing art books with thought-altering text. Take a journey with me & after the jump check out some of his awesome work!

1st Edition
Words : Paul O’Connell
Art : Simon Fowler
Staple bound booklet
Rubber stamped cover
24 pages
Click here to view the digital version
3rd Edition (postcard edition)
Words : Paolo Chianta
Art/Design : Simon Fowler
13 heavy weight postcards bound with paper obi
Rubber stamped envelope
Click here to view the postcards online
All imgaes & text via Cataract publishing

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