We all know that shit is going down on planet earth. It’s not the Rapture, or some religious bullshit end of days, it’s the consequences of centuries of human greed, waste, war and destruction. Will we end up living in floating cities, hovering above the garbage dump we have made of the planet? Every time someone gets trampled at a WalMart or Target Black Friday Sale (or actually every time I have the misfortune to be in one of those nasty places) I think about the Gyres in our oceans – the massive plastic islands that we have created by needing everything new, made in China, and disposable. Needing a new TV so badly you would kill for it – actually a new TV in the bathroom, so that even when you take a shit you won’t miss a minute of Nancy Grace. Masakatsu Sashie has envisioned the world we are creating, and his paintings depict our Death Stars that fly above the ruins we are creating of our lives. He paints entire neighborhoods that defy gravity and co-exist with hills of broken TVs and tires as their scenery. Often there is a grey, lonely and seemingly uninhabited cityscape in the background, while his little hovering worlds burst with color. However, they don’t burst with life – despite our apparent ingenuity, in his universe we have still built worlds based on walling ourselves up in concrete and neon. As depressing as it looks, it smacks of reality. After the jump, take a look at Masakatsu Sashie’s bleak visions…

IMAGES via Masakatsu Sashie

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