“Cheap” movies always have a special place in my heart, be it film noir, exploitation, surreal, ‘cult’, horror, or even sci-fi. Not just about the cheesy stories, but they also have the best titles and even the coolest taglines than other ‘mainstream’ movies. How come you dont love the titles like “I Dismember Mama”, “Plan 9 From Outer Space”, “I Was A Teenage Frankenstein”, “Night Of The Howling Beast”, “I Was A Shoplifter” or even “Teenagers From Outer Space”? Fuckin’ ‘classy’ movie titles! Well dont forget about the poster’s artworks too: the vibrant colors, the illustrations, the layout and typos are amazing. Collecting original vintage movie posters is always worthed, even the price of original movie posters like “Jaws” or “Creature From The Black Lagoon” are amazingly insane! Well enough said, check out some cool “B” movie posters after the jump!

*Images from Wrong Side Of The Art

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