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80s Hardcore

In Effect 91′
New York Hardcore
Documentary Now Showing!

1980s SoCal hardcore kids had it pretty good. Yeah, we had to battle the cops at almost every gig, but we didn’t have to do battle with the city itself. For hardcore kids in New York City, it was a different story – their scene was centered in the Lower Eastside, which in the 80’s was full of gangs, drugs, weirdo artists and a wild wild west vibe. While my friends and I had homes to go back to, home to the kids in the NYC scene was in squats. I guess that’s why New York hardcore had a different edge to it. When I first heard Cause For Alarm or Regans Youth, I knew these humans were on some next shit. Back in the day, I envied the L.E.S. scene for their insane line ups that would play the CBGB’s matinee – it was like an 80’s hardcore wet dream. We tried to have matinee gigs in Hollywood at the Cathy de Grande, but they just never seemed right, although some of them were pretty fun! Many years later, I moved to New York myself, and then it all made sense. Without a doubt, all generations of NYC hardcore have kept the idea of brotherhood alive. The 90’s gave us the second generation of New Hardcore, bands like Sick of it All and Gorilla Biscuits. In Effect 91′ New York Hardcore Documentary is a film that has thought-provoking interviews mixed with some sensational live footage. After the jump, you watch it and be the judge – trust me, you won’t be disappointed!

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Victhor The Viking

    February 29, 2012 at 4:08 am

    This rules. Thanks for posting.

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