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I Was A Teenage Criminal…ANAZAZI
Photo Essay + Unreal Footage

Text & Photos by Darryl Reid

I was at a house show killing time before Germany’s Burial were set to play looking through some Lp’s a friend was selling, he told me to buy Anazazi’s 7inch going so far as to make the bold claim they were the best recent band he’s heard out of New York. A little research on my part later proved those claims to be accurate as fuck.

Anasazi played Ottawa sucks Vol.2 a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, Us poor souls in this region don’t get nearly enough post-punk/deathrock/goth bands rolling through, so when they do come through its a big deal: especially when it’s a band as good as Anasazi.

So what can I say about Anasazi?

Gaddamn, goddamn, goddamn: This band is even better live then recorded. Smoke machines, stobe lights, blacked out stage this is the envirment this kind of music was meant to be listened in: chaotic darkness. Anasazi take this shit seriously and it shows in their live set. In short they killed it.

Also Survival another great post punk band that shares a member with Anasazi killed it as well. Their sound in on the opasite spectrum of the Post punk sound in that minimal guitar/synth/drum machine vibe. Both these bands are killer live and I’m super jealous of anyone who gets to see them play Montreal soon.













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