When Egypt erupted in protest at the beginning of this year, it was a thrilling moment for the whole world. Not for the first time, the people were rising against their corrupt leaders, but maybe for the first time the whole world was watching them do it. Latin America has been a hub for political uprisings for the past century, but because those uprisings are so often against a CIA-backed and US Corporate-funded regime, they have been hushed up as much as possible in America, or painted as “Socialism” or “Communism” (side note – being Canadian, I don’t really get why Socialism is such a dirty word here. I like health care). Anyway, this time, we got to see the Egyptians band together in outrage at the inequality and corruption in their system, and this revolution has inspired revolts all over the Middle East, the Mediterranean, and now North America, centered on New York’s Occupy Wall Street movement. When I first heard the talking heads of the US government congratulating the people of Egypt and Iran in practicing their human rights, and disparaging their government’s harsh responses, I barfed in my mouth. This kind of spin only works on people who have no education, no idea the kind of fucked up shit the US government has been involved in since its inception. It also works on people who don’t think the same thing can happen here. But now it is, and the hypocrisy of the US regime is clear as day if you watch how protesters are being treated in the Occupy Wall Street movement. I am not Moving is a short film focusing on the US policy toward the protests in Egypt and Iran and juxtaposing their commentary with scenes from Occupy Wall Street, where protesters are beaten, pepper sprayed and generally oppressed by the NYPD. If this shit continues, I wouldn’t be surprised if the National Guard gets called in. If they do, I hope they rebel against their corrupt leaders and side with the people who are their friends and family, and defend the most democratic movement to happen in America since the Civil Rights movement. For anyone who says that Americans don’t have anything to complain about, consider that in NYC, one of the richest cities in the world, 40% of children are living below the poverty line, their futures ripped out of their hands by the cocaine-guzzling sociopaths on Wall Street. After the jump, check out I am not Moving, and make it your mission today to tell the authorities to FUCK OFF. We have them surrounded.

October 21, 2011 at 7:10 pm
I did not know about this movement until now, i’m so removed from the news happening. But this surely is interesting. And a unique view at our society. The masses are getting tired of being like sheep, finally.