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Blackened Crust

Human Genocide…
Review + More

Triple Beast, Triple Kill, Triple Destruction…if you want to have the sickest blackened thrash band from Chile paint your world with evil, well I have the answer. They go by the name VIOLENT, and they just released one of the gnarliest four song tapes that I have heard in a while, Human Genocide, out now via Kvlto Al Metal Productions. Unholy fucking rawness, VIOLENT unleashes pure black diseased decaying riffage that never lets up from start to finish. They took the speed of thrash, the attitude of punk and the torment of black metal, and mixed it all up to craft a sound that breaks bones and shatters dreams at the same time. VIOLENT’s music is ultra primal, which makes sense, because the drumming on this tape is fucking ballistic! Then you have the vocals, which seem to be mixed with gun powder and blood. Lyrically, VIOLENT are on point as well – I dig the way that they are focused on the apocalyptic times in which we exist. What really gets me about this band is their use of rancid melody, which gives their songs a killer sense of rotting groove. This band’s songwriting is off the hook, with loads of unexpected changes, plus an awesome use of thought-provoking samples. When you get your copy of Human Genocide, and you play their tune “GENOCIDE MASTER” full blast, then you will realize how good chaos sounds. One thing that I take away from listening to this is that VIOLENT are true fucking metal maniacs, and they do not make music for poseurs! I’m so impressed with this band that they have gained a spot on CVLT Nation Blackened Everything Vol.5, because I’m addicted to the kind of speed that this band cranks out. I have been listening to VIOLENT on fucking repeat – I give my word this band is all that and a bag of spikes! After the jump, get all of the ordering for this limited edition tape release, plus check out more killer art by vocalist Elias Tormentor.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. EVIL

    October 3, 2013 at 9:29 pm

    Fucking great band from Chile SOUTHAMERICAAARRHHHHH CTM 666!!!

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