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Apocalyptic Blues

Heresies: 2012…
23 Track Free Compilation!

So what happens when a label that you have loads of respect for creates a mind-altering compilation? The end result is HERESIES, the 2012 digital sampler from CRUCIAL BLAST. Now check out what Adam has to say about the this sonic portrait of torture himself below…It’s 23 tracks long and totally FREE Download HERE!

Crucial Blast is proud to present Heresies, our newest compilation of sound taken from a wide selection of our current and upcoming titles for 2012. This digital compilation features twenty-three tracks, many of which have not yet been released, from an array of artists that range from cult legends to newly formed purveyors of sonic extremism. The music that’s collected here presents a fairly comprehensive cross-section of the sort of music that we specialize in here at Crucial Blast, from the sounds of terrifying blackened industrial, withered cemetary folk, crude black metal, horror electronics, and apocalyptic doom-laden dub mutations, to jet-black ambience, majestic power electronics, putrid goresludge, corrosive black noise, vile death industrial, bizarre necro-electro experiments, avant-garde deathdoom, and twisted basement black psychedelia. Across these twenty-three tracks, you will find the likes of Gnaw Their Tongues, Wold, Sutcliffe Jugend, Funerary Call, Luasa Raelon, Theologian, Ehnahre, Korperschwache, T.O.M.B., Iron Forest, Husere Grav, Reclusa, Time Moth Eye (mem. of Stone Breath), Fecalove, Lucifers Foreskin, Mors Sonat (members of Gnaw Their Tongues and Nekrasov), Glass Coffin, Crown Of Bone (ex-Demonologists), Yami Kurae, Project:Void, Pusdrainer, Rotorvator, and Actuary. More than two hours of aural horror, crepuscular beauty, and bone-rattling heaviness, carefully selected for your pleasure.

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