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Today I have a plan to change the way you think about Switzerland. I agree it’s one of the cleanest countries in the world – I have seen it with my own eyes – but underneath the sunshine lives doom. An extremely heavy & original band comes from this land of chocolate & they are called RORCAL. On the real, this band takes the genre of doom to a whole other universe. In 2010, they released a 70-minute monolith track called “HELIOGABALUS,” illustrating the decadence of the Roman Emperor of the same name. This song commands you to stop everything you are doing to load up your bong, light it, then enter another realm for 70 minutes. The track starts off with tiny cymbal crashes that only get larger in scope, & before you know it this blackened voice of death is screaming at you in pain. Then the band starts to pound you over the skull with huge sticky green riffs & drum beats that slowly eat away at your flesh. RORCAL’s music transforms over time; every moment is totally different than the one before. This band’s sound is vast & expansive, so you never get bored, but on the other hand, you lose all sense of space & time. HELIOGABALUS is a song with enough changes in it that you could say it’s actually more like 20 songs. They take risks with they way they create doom; they bring an enthralling emotion to what they do with their music. The landscape of the this song is epic – it’s full of feedback caves, distortion tunnels, oceans of space & skies of the darkest doom. 70 minutes of heavy bliss can be downloaded HERE!




  1. Smrdislavski

    November 24, 2011 at 4:22 am

    Actually, this is the correct download link:

    I was kidding. It’s this one (REALLY):

  2. Bruno / RORCAL

    July 5, 2011 at 11:48 pm

    Hey! Thanks a lot for the kind words. Here is the correct download link:

    Cheers and keep up the great work!

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