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HEARTLESS European Tour
Captured by Tanner Douglass

Friendship and creativity go hand in hand. This fact was evident on HEARTLESS’s recent European tour. They brought along their homie Tanner Douglass, who also happens to be one of CVLT Nation’s favourite photographers, to document their hardcore historic adventures! We are so honoured that Tanner chose our zine to be the first to publish these unreal flicks. What I really dig is how he is able to capture the real spirit of the European scene, plus his HEARTLESS live shots are electric. Don’t just take my word for it, peep the world according to Tanner Douglas after the jump!


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Killer Screen Print

    January 29, 2013 at 3:03 am

    Deadly pics & deadly band!

    Heres hoping that US promoters will take a leaf out of our book & actually charge & enforce a door price so European bands can at least have a miniscule hope of making their plane tickets back. None of this “pass the hat around at the end of the show” for 40 dollars or whatever. Some food & beer would be a bonus too. USA is so far ahead of Europe in so many things but ye suck at treating touring bands well. There are of course the exceptions which we are always so grateful for & more often than not those people looking after you have toured Europe & experienced what an amazingly well organized place it is to tour in. I dont mean to sound ungrateful. I count myself & my band very lucky to have had the opportunity to tour your country twice. But the difference between both the US & the EU scene is drastic when it comes to pay & hospitality. Hopefully 2013 will see that gap narrow between both scenes.

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