Cvlt Nation extended family member GIVE UP is at it again with his recent release of HATEFUCK 10. This issue contains the filth, the scum, the collected and spill-over from the elements of GIVE UP art and design. The black and white photocopy zine, 8.5×5.5, numbered edition of 75. Issue 10 features a black on black card cover with a screen printed detail 8.5×12 centerfold, and additional printed transparency pages of the most recent spew. You can pick up your copy of HATEFUCK 10 over at the GIVE UP webstore. More after the jump.

Also I’d like to add that the “HACKSAW” tee has been reprinted and is also available on the webstore. This time on American Apparel. Image in army green on the chest, with a small ‘original razor’ in dark grey on the lower left hip.

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