So this is a post about some of my favorite things. The epic band BAPTISTS, the off-the-hook city called Vancouver and my first love, skateboarding. Months ago, CVLT Nation put the word out that we wanted skate footage from our readers. Well, Andrew and Danny of BAPTIST heard where we were coming from, so they created this sick skate video of them killing it in Vancouver. When you watch this film, there is no way to deny that these two really enjoy skating, and that’s what it’s all about. The next time you listen to BAPTISTS, remember that not only are they a sick band, but they’re also rippers when it comes to skating! So after the jump, check out how Andrew and Danny skate to destroy Vancouver styles! To all other CVLT Nation skaters – feel free to send in footage!

September 24, 2012 at 11:51 pm
Griever opening song…tight.
September 24, 2012 at 3:40 am
coolest thing i have seen in a while! Love this band and their music and extra dope to see they skate! Cant wait for the full length! FUCK!