On a crazy night in May 1984, the first all Skate gig took place, featuring Ill Repute, Faction, Tales of Terror, J.F.A., Agression and the Mighty BIG BOYS. For so many different reasons, this one of the most fun gigs I ever went to in the 80’s. All the bands killed it that night, but the BIG BOYS were next level rawness. When you see this video of their full set filmed by Louis Elovitz, you will see what I mean. To see a bunch of hardcore kids get their groove on to some kick ass FUNK is priceless. FUN FUN FUN…the BIG BOYS still RULE!
BIG BOYS Skate Show Stardust Ballroom Hollywood May 1984 from Louis Elovitz on Vimeo.

April 24, 2014 at 9:54 am
So Rad!!!!!!!! to see kids getting down and not clobbering each other(ha,ha even though that was going on as well.), Bass players sportin’ a Mercyful Fate shirt. Ive been to a couple Tim Kerr art shows at skateshops and various other places, he’s a stand-up kinda guy. SK@TE FOR FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!