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CVLT Nation
Sonic Cathedrals Covers Gallery!

Thursday, March 8th, marks the 1st anniversary of CVLT Nation, and we are fucking way beyond stoked! One series that has taken off is our Sonic Cathedrals mixtape series. We respect every band that has curated a volume, and they have used this series as a way to create audio art and a connection to the people that love their music. In celebration, today we want to spotlight all of the Sonic Cathedrals that have been created so far. Most of the covers were designed by Meghan MacRae, the creative director of CVLT Nation. Many times, her design voice is another way for the listener to know what they are in for. I feel like the covers and the music go hand in hand, and she really captures this. Some bands are artists themselves, and send us designs which are just as sick. So after the jump, check out our gallery of Sonic Cathedrals covers…this is just the beginning! Big time respect to everyone that has curated a volume, and to all those that have downloaded the CVLT Nation mixes! And respect to those who will curate mixes in our 2nd year, there is much more to come!

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