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Black Metal


SEIDR, from Louisville, Kentucky, have created an album that defies labels & boxes. To put it simply, For Winter Fire is just awesome fucking music. If I called them black metal, post-rock, or doom, in my opinion I would be doing it an injustice – all of these genres are represented, but SEIDR go beyond any given genre. I really don’t know where to start, because it’s that rad. SEIDR have made songs that totally come alive with emotion & energy. At times they take you on this ride that expands your brain & opens it up in another atmosphere. This music is really honest, & is composed by humans that are 200% comfortable in their skin. The guitar work on For Winter Fire is transcendental at times, only to take a different path to become some of the heaviest shit you’ve ever heard. The drumming on this album is majestic & epic. SEIDR hits you with two different vocal attacks on this album, one being a bottomless pit growl,then they flip the script with some really beautiful singing. While listening to this record you hear the universe & you feel Mother Nature. Everything about For Winter Fire is organic, nothing sounds forced or rushed. This the kind of music that will help you through your dark days & make your bright days brighter! On May 24th, the San Francisco label Flesher will be releasing this killer album. After the jump, check out some stellar live flicks of SEIDR.

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