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Flesh, Organs And Mutant Portraits…

Filth, Torment, Beauty, Outsiders, Power, Life, Decay and Death come to mind as I stare at the work of SARAH SITKIN – it is full of disturbing creatures. She creates in many different media – silicone, clay, plaster resin and more. I can not even begin to describe how twisted and lovely her imagination is, because I find my own mind getting stuck in her morbid reality as I look at her images. I love the way that her work has a hyper-realistic feel to it that makes you feel that her vision of the world is real. Sitkin is speaking a language through her art that should be heard by the masses; maybe then we would not consume the way we do. Check out this collection of her images and ask yourself, what do I see as I enter her mad world?


Sarah-Sitkin-Photography-1 Sarah-Sitkin-Photography-3 Sarah-Sitkin-Photography-4 Sarah-Sitkin-Photography-5 Sarah-Sitkin-Photography-6 Sarah-Sitkin-Photography-7 Sarah-Sitkin-Photography-8 Sarah-Sitkin-Photography-9 Sarah-Sitkin-Photography-10 Sarah-Sitkin-Photography-12 Sarah-Sitkin-Photography-111 tumblr_m0ias1gXWU1qmc7z6o1_1280 tumblr_m800xsmpAP1qmc7z6o1_1280 tumblr_md7lgbdlwj1qmc7z6o1_r1_500 tumblr_n9f0n2Rbx21qmc7z6o1_1280 tumblr_nomld5B49c1qmc7z6o1_1280 tumblr_npdkgbac2R1s9v3nvo1_1280 tumblr_npg8gliS5z1qmc7z6o1_1280 tumblr_nujw28NWA01qmc7z6o1_1280via Beautiful Decay

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Lorri Jaye

    October 27, 2015 at 3:23 am

    Will Swindells

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