That’s right, rough thrashers Evil Army are back with a new 7″ I, Commander. Picking up where their rad self-titled effort left off back in 2006, Evil Army offer 3 songs that have appeared on their Armory Demo which was limited to 50 cd-rs and unbeknownst to most.
I’ve never understood why this Tennessee three piece never got the attention other thrashtards have, especially when anything retro seemed to be as popular as metal could get. Thankfully, Evil Army never relied on gimmicks, a fad, or a label; instead, their punk attitude, mixture of speed metal and Teutonic thrash make them such a fun band to listen to and immediately like that you don’t need some silly video or white high-tops to like them. Evil Army’s style is all about essentials; no fat, nothing superfluous and nothing slow.
There’s no foreplay with Evil Army as the title track rips right into you with extreme fervency.The second track, “Ashes of the Nuclear Fire” has a much more basement kinda production, leading me to think these are culled from different sessions. The drums are super flat and the bass is an anonymous noise below the scratchy guitar, but it still rocks hard. Rounding out the EP is “I Must Destroy You” which is more akin to the first track and sounds even more on the edge as vocalist/guitarist Rob Evil sounds like he belongs in Anthrax‘s Madhouse. It sounds like this isn’t new material, but rather older stuff re-released to coincide with Rob Evil’s return to the fold and the band’s assumed reactivated state.
A hopeful appetizer from this dormant band…check it out from Hell’s Headbangers.

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