Text//Review from Profane Existence
From the moment I laid eyes on this record I knew this would be a record that I would thoroughly enjoy. The simplistic cover with the use of a skull made me think of various crust bands and doom themed lyrics. As soon as it kicked in the d-beat sound put me on guard since usually most of the new bands just recycle the same sound as their favorite bands without having any sort of identity for themselves. As the song progressed a little further I knew FEAR OF EXTINCTION breaks this trend by actually writing songs that distinguishes themselves as their own. Their sound is closer to SKITSYSTEM than DISCHARGE which appealed to me quite a bit as I prefer the Swedish D-beat over DISCHARGE clones any day of the week.
Lyrically these guys write political songs opposing war and songs about the laziness of punks nowadays not even going out to see shows in their own city let alone going out of their way to support bands. They seem to be writing about things that really matter to them and don’t feel cliché while doing it. This record is easily one of the best records I have heard this year. I look forward to hearing a full length in the future and hope they are in it for the long haul and not going to burn out too quickly. This band should be checked out by anybody even remotely interested in Crust, D-beat or any aggressive punk rock. (Travis Assault)
Phobia Records
Song stream after the jump!

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