So yeah, we’ve pretty much seen it all. Metal bands featuring the likes of dogs, cats and even parrots in their lineups, bands solely made up of puppets or robots or metal bands consisting of either incredibly young kids or really old folks. All is very interesting, but truly awesome and R-A-D is something different. Very Different. That is why Sockweb stands out completely even from the most unconventional metal bands and is a total exception even within the exceptions. Because this band is simply awesome and fucking RAD, not only for the unusual band “structure” the band has and for the kick-ass music they play, but mostly for what it stands for and symbolizes. Some parents drag their kids to church, others send them off to get brainwashed by the scouts, others leave them to get numb and disaffected in front of the TV or video games all day, but not all parents are like that… In fact, some parents on the other hand are so rad they want their kids to get creative and express them selves through art, and even get straight into it with them and start making music together and even form a grindcore band with their kids. Wait… WHAT?!…Pre-order HERE!
That’s right, Sockweb is in fact an extremely brutal and pissed off grindcore band formed by a dude and his seven year old daughter. Yup, daddy Adam “Blackula” Young writes and records all Sockweb’s music, as well as handling some backup vocals, while Joanie “Bologna” Young – Young’s six year old daughter – provides the primary, lead, vocal attack, writes all the lyrics (mostly dealing with messy bedrooms, pancakes, soggy cereal, being grounded and what pussies bullies are) and even chose the band name, and ever since the earlier songs of the band her chops have just grown and gotten increasingly more brutal and pissed off! Adam and Joanie are truly an awesome team and their incredible parent – child bond and antics have single-handed crafted a handful of blistering and bombastic blasts of pulverizing grind that will leave your neck sore for days from headbanging while also engraving a gigantic smile on your face . This awesome machine gun-like package of raging and ultra-pissed grind songs is topped off by some truly amazing, at time heart-warming lyrics that deal with the best, funniest and raddest child and parent cliches alike while also making the whole relationship look over the top fun and even downright exhilarating. Scott Hull of Pig Destroyer and Agoraphobic Nosebleed has jumped on board to do mastering for their debut album Werewolf, which came out August 6th on Monolith Records, while vocalist Kat Katz of Agoraphobic Nosebleed has also jumped on board to help this happy dad and his girl by contributing backup vocals. What else is there to say? This is beyond awesome so, clean your room, fuck bullies and FUCKING GRIND!!!

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