Today is a fucking rad day because we got our limited edition collabo t-shirts in from FALSE, and they look amazing! If you don’t know about this awesome Singapore-based clothing brand, now is the time to find out – Le Messie and Amanda make everything by hand, and individually hand silkscreen their tees together so that each one is a work of art, check out the interview we did with them here. Plus, as a brand we see eye-to-eye with their anti-system and anarchist politics; they disseminate a lot of important information in the form of articles and documentaries, and they are pro-small business and pro-artisan creators! The t-shirt itself is already super nice, a lightweight, combed cotton American-made tee, and then FALSE’s silkscreening skills are off the chain. This is a super limited design, only a few are available in the CVLT Store and on FALSE’s webstore Anti Anti, so they are going to go quick! Check them out after the jump, as well as a rad video below documenting the process of making a FALSE t-shirt!
Making of a FALSE T-Shirt 2013 from FALSE TV on Vimeo.

Ian McHenry
March 26, 2013 at 8:11 am
1 eyed magic spirit buffalo!