Music can take the form of many things, and it has the power to make you travel into parts of your being that you did not know existed. Mathieu Vandekerckhove, who creates music under the name Syndrome has a new 28 minute transedental song out now via Consouling Sounds, entitled Now and Forever. This CHURCH OF RA member has manifested a way of constructing sound that will give you visions of the beginning of time while also transporting you to the future. Now and Forever makes me thing about a point in my life when darkness was all I could see, but deep down I knew the light would shine on my life somehow. Syndrome knows how to take emotion and have it float on the wings of the tones he makes appear in his songs. There is a part in Now and Forever where Colin H. van Eeckhout & Mathieu go back and forth on vocals – once you hear it, you will not be able to help yourself, you will press play again and again. The guitar you will hear peaks in so many different tongues; it reminds me of the changing of seasons. CVLT Nation is beyond stoked that Syndrome has chosen our zine to stream Now and Forever in full! More details about the creation of this song peep it after the jump listen to Now and Forever below.

Guitars and vocals by Mathieu Vandekerkhove (Amenra, Kingdom, Sembler Deah, Caan)
Additional vocals by Colin H. van Eeckhout (Amenra, Kingdom, CHVE,…)
Additional piano and moog by Josh Graham (Neurosis, A Storm Of Light, Battle Of Mice,…)
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Hein Devos (Amenra, Hitch,…) at Dekreun, Kortrijk, Belgium.
Layout by Tine Guns
Close to a decade ago a primitive form of Syndrome was brought to life as a vehicle for the solo output of Mathieu Vandekerckhove, mostly known for his work with Amenra. For years the self-taught musician learned and studied his craft of songwriting and sound scaping, mainly as a means to self exploration, meditation and attempts at channelling negative into positive energy, this while staying below the surface at all times.
Now 2012 marks a turning point for Mathieu Vandekerckhove and Syndrome as he steps forward, with the epic 28 minute long “Now And Forever”. Dedicated to his son Wolf, this track offers words of guidance and will grant you a look into the heart and soul of the artist. Close your eyes and hear the beating heart of pure artistic freedom.

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