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CVLT Nation Streaming
OEDE “Sør Norsk Djevel Blues”

OEDE is back with a new tape entitled Sør Norsk Djevel Blues and only 66 of them have been made. If you follow CVLT Nation then you know that we dig the lo-fi distorted voodun blackened blues that OEDE spits out on to the world. When you listen to this cat, remember that there is one rule, and that is: there are no fucking rules with this cat. Sør Norsk Djevel Blues is 17 minutes of killer whacked music that sounds like nothing you have heard before. What I do find interesting listening to OEDE is that he really puts his all into every note. It’s CVLT Nation’s honor to be streaming Sør Norsk Djevel Blues in full below…Oh yeah, half of the tapes have sold out so hurry the fuck up and get yours HERE!

[audio: – Sor Norsk Djevel Blues.mp3|titles=Oede – Sør Norsk Djevel Blues]
Oede - Sør Norsk Djevel Blues_Tape Cover

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Seth 'PuG' Pogacich

    February 26, 2013 at 3:44 am

    ya’ll come down nah, ya hea?

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