On January 22nd, the world is going to have to recognize how fucking gnarly CLOUD RAT is with the release of their new album Moksha via Halo of Flies Records/IFB Records (US) and 7 Degrees Records/React with Protest Records (GER). All I can say is that after one listen, my jaw dropped in awe and I knew this record would be one of sickest records of 2013. This is why CVLT Nation feels honored that we have the chance to stream their new song “Inkblot” below…Also, stay tuned for our full review of the CLOUD RAT album Moksha in the near future. Peep some intense live footage after the jump…plus 2013 euro tour dates!
Cloud Rat European Tour 2013
04.3 UK London w/ Lich
05.3 UK Norwich w/ Lich
06.3 UK Nottingham w/ Lich
07.3 UK Glasgow w/ Lich
08.3 UK Bradford @ Equal Fest (the 1 in 12 club) w/ Lich
09.3 UK Margate w/ Lich
10.3 France Paris w/ Lich
11.3 FR Pau w/ Lich
12.3 Spain Bilboa w/ Lich
13.3 SP Barcelona w/ Lich
14.3 FR Toulon w/ Lich
15.3 Italy Milan w/ Lich
16.3 Austria Graz w/ Lich
17.3 A Vienna w/ Lich
18.3 Czech Republic Prague w/ Lich
19.3 Germany Erlangen w/ Lich
20.3 D Giessen w/ Lich
21.3 Netherlands Nijmegen w/ Resurrectionists & Lich
22.3 D Münster @ Baracke w/ Resurrectionists, Lich, Grinding Halt
23.3 D Hamburg w/ Resurrectionists
24.3 Denmark Valby @ Kraftwerket w/ Resurrectionists
25.3 Sweden w/ Resurrectionists
26.3 S Stockholm w/ Resurrectionists
27.3 Norway – Oslo w/ Resurrectionists
28.3 S Gothenburg @ Härden w/ Resurrectionists
29.3 DK Aalborg @ 1000 Fryd w/ Resurrectionists
30.3 D Lübeck @ VEB w/ Resurrectionists
31.3 D Mülheim w/ Resurrectionists
01.4 NL Groningen @ Vera Basement
02.4 D Berlin
03.4 Poland w/ Republic of Dreams
04.4 Poland / Warsaw w/ Republic of Dreams
05.4 Poland w/ Republic of Dreams
06.4 D Leipzig
07.4 D Köln
“She is made in a dark light, an afterthought,
a second solution after the first one had failed.”

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