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Exclusive! CVLT Nation Streaming…
Christological Escalation

Hailing from Greece, AMNIS NIHILI created one of the sickest EPs this year, Christological Escalation, out now via Avant-Garde Music. Every song on this record is a fucking bone crusher that will shatter all of your happy thoughts. The chaotic rage that you will encounter when you press play will get you hyped. There is no way to deny that AMNIS NIHILI is rad as fuck, and they have the power to put you under their blackened spell. What impresses me about this band is the way that they are able to write songs that eat away at your human form, but they also have an emotional quality to them. The title track, “Christological Escalation,” will reign death upon you, while the vocals will rip out your finger nails and have you licking up your own blood! AMNIS NIHILI are black metal without tying too hard, with bursts of punk angst. Lyrically, this band takes a stand against the lies of of the christian so-called “faith” and they have nothing but disdain for nazis, which makes me like them even more! AMNIS NIHILI is a band that the world should hear, so that’s why CVLT Nation is stoked to be streaming their EP, Christological Escalation, in full below!

[audio: – Christological Escalation.mp3|titles=AMNIS NIHILI – Christological Escalation]
[audio: – Wandering Amongst Ruins And Ash.mp3|titles=AMNIS NIHILI – Wandering Amongst Ruins And Ash]
[audio: – Radiation.mp3|titles=AMNIS NIHILI – Radiation]
[audio: – Infamous Judeochristian Seed.mp3|titles=AMNIS NIHILI – Infamous Judeochristian Seed]


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Bill Patton

    December 30, 2011 at 11:48 pm

    excellent..thank you

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