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Enter the Shadowrealm…the art of Kris Verwimp

Kris Verwimp has been a part of the black and death metal artist community since the early 90s, and has amassed an enviable portfolio of album covers. Hailing from Belgium, Verwimp has worked with bands from all over the world, creating epic watercolor sagas for their album covers, including Samhain’s 1994 album The Courier. His artwork has medieval, Viking and Celtic inspirations, but he also creates some sick black and white t-shirt graphics that are definitely Satanic in nature. He is also the creator of Odoric comics, which feature stunning painted battle scenes and dark stories of death and mayhem. He began the Odoric series in the mid-80s, and for the most part it has been a private project for friends and family. However, he now has copies of his most recently published comic, The Wall of Doom, in his shop. These are more works of art than they are comic books. After the jump, see some pages from Odoric and more of his epic work…





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