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End the Wolf Kill Contest in B.C.

There is an illegal hunt taking place this winter in B.C. on the wolf population that needs to be protested and notified vehemently to game officers and wildlife control to stop it. This, coinciding with a plethora of other problems, like the attempts to bring tar sands across from Alberta on a massive 4 billion dollar pipeline, and damage the native ecosystem in the process, as well as the unfair rights for native indigenous people living in the coastal areas is only part of the grand picture. These issues are archetypes of the greed, corporate gain, industrialization, and destructive ethical values of the scum of the earth who support them. This wolf kill “contest” is only a recent manifestation of a trophy hunt. Ever since one pestiferous book proclaimed that we have dominion over animals and the natural world, and since killing our sentient ancestors became a sport! This is not the way of a truly evolved and civilized world we should be.

The contest is sponsored by some of the most unworthy displays of human existence on earth, gun shops, hunting clubs, and trophy taxidermy offices. Anyone with a gaming license is able to register, and offered money prizes for shooting the wolves, determined by size. This had already started but, is going on until the end of March.

From the contest poster

“1st place is guaranteed $1000 plus 40% of the entry prize pool.

2nd place is guaranteed $500 plus 30% of the entry prize pool.

3rd place is guaranteed $350 plus 10% of the entry prize pool.

4th place is guaranteed $250 plus 10% of the entry prize pool.

Last place is guaranteed $150 plus 10% of the entry prize pool.——-(Smallest wolf) Note: Ties will be decided by length alone and if there is still a tie, then a coin toss. (entry prize pool is based on $50 per person entry fee)
Other Prizes Every wolf entered in the contest will get you entered for a chance to win a 243 Weatherby rifle from Backcountry, or a free wolf tanning from T&C Taxidermy. or a $200 gift certificate to Backcountry donated by the NP Rod and Gun club.

There is still time to write, and all opinions matter. When government officials are overwhelmed with letters and emails or sense true meaning behind your words, whether you are an acitivist, normal citizen, native, elderly, youth, biologist, scientist, etc. they are more prone to be influenced by these legal civil disobedience. These are some of the persons that can be written to (source from Pacific Wild)


Hon. Rich Coleman–Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
(the ministry responsible for B.C. gaming)
Tel: (250) 387-5896
Fax: (250) 356-2965
Hon. Terry Lake–Minister of Environment
Phone: 250 387-1187
Fax: 250 387-1356
Hon. Steve Thomson–Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources
Phone: 250-387-6240

Tell them it is in violation of section 206 and 207 of the Criminal code. Tell them how you feel about the wolves, and the way they influence the ecosystem by having a stable population and how destroying that would cause death to plants and other animals. Tell them something they probably don’t know about wolves. And if you live in B.C. you can try stalking the hunters with bullhorns to scare away the animals before they are killed. Just wear a bullet proof vest and medieval helmet if you are doing this method.
I found this information at which is the main site aiming to protect the Great Bear Rainforest and Spirit Bears. Obviously they are in a higher position to reach people, and this kind of anti-ecological morality goes on all the time, but we are all carriers of ideas and actions, and as an activist and animist I deem it my own responsibility to spread this, and tell people who may be unknown, even one more person enlightened about it is worthy to me. Trophy hunting, sport fishing, and factory farming should not even enter as an option when there are others way to use animals sustainably. It should only be done for primal survival with handmade weapons, leaving nature to restore balance afterwards, and making an offering of respect for taking it’s resources.

I decided to write some wild poetry in artistic support of this…

Wildeor, self-disciplined beast

Refined to perfection by tooth and claw, a vagabond of the landscape

Down scopes of those who oppose, keeping to the den for protection

The pack makes their new tactic on the biped primate,

A tried and true method against the ones of horn and fur, breaching out to new game

Bullets choked, winter blazes, hypothermia sets in on the human from the wolf spirit in the sky

Making a galdr of protection for his kin

The human breed is left for the steed, upon the back of the wolf rides the advent of death

Blood red snow, and guttural whine, food for the ulv, the worthy hunter.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Jon Williams

    January 6, 2013 at 2:26 pm

    Just sent a letter. Completely appalling. You’re doing a great thing by spreading awareness of such a hideous injustice.

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