I feel mad sick and all fucked in the head because I have been blasting the new DRUG LUST tape into my head for the past 20 minutes. Hot damn, I really love this band, they are so bad ( in a good way)!!! Their brand of sleazy hardcore has this filthy groove that runs through every song that leaves you wanting to cover yourself in DRUG LUST dirt. Check this – the band has given us the green light to stream their side of their upcoming split tape with LIEBESTOD…peep their East Coast tour dates that start on 11/13!…Pre-Order the DRUG LUST & LIEBESTOD split tape HERE!
East Coast Tour Dates
11/13 Cleveland, OH @Now That’s Class w/Liebestod & Wetbrain
11/14 Chicago, IL @S&G(ask a punk) w/Liebestod, Anomoly, Narcoleptics & Thumbsuckers.
11/15 Madison, WI @Culvers w/Liebestod & Mellow Harsher
11/16 Nashville, TN @The Other Basement w/Liebestod, Cheap Art, Zeitgeist, Pissbath & Horrific Disturbing
11/17 Richmond, VA @The Green Room w/Liebestod, Orgasm & Cretins
11/19 Pittsburgh, PA @Gooskis w/GAG, Illegals & No Time
12/13 Philadelphia, PA @The Slow Club w/Batworm & Pure Disgust
12/14 Brooklyn, NY @538 Johnson w/World Domination, Ivy & Ajax
12/15 Long Park, NY @No Fun Club w/Grime Watch, M.A.D. & Power Masters

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