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Dreamcatcher…Olia Pishchanska

CVLT Nation recently got an email from Heinali and Matt Finney, who composed a 30-minute soundscape for a Ukrainian photo exhibit by Olia Pishchanska. Their dark, droning and pulsating composition, “Dreamcatcher,” certainly suits the brooding photography by Pishchanska, who is based in Odessa, Ukraine. Expect to hear more soon about Heinali and Matt Finney…meanwhile, the photography is off the chain. Pishchanska captures a blackened spirit in every photo, almost as if her subjects are obscured by their own dark thoughts. Her photos invoke ancient history and fantasy, and the images swim up at you from a conjuring pool. She creates a tension between stillness and movement, and hints at unseen forces in each photograph that dance in the backgrounds. Sometimes her subjects are humanoid nightmare creatures, but often they are portraits of people, taken in a way that magnifies emotion in a glance or in their flying hair. Pishchanska’s work truly embodies the artistry of photography. To see more of her fantastical work, check it out after the jump…



  1. alejandro garces

    May 26, 2011 at 10:50 am

    wowww without words

  2. SeanFitz

    May 13, 2011 at 3:18 am

    Fantastic images

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