Text & Mix from A Fist In The Face Of God.
Here, finally, three months late, is DJ Fenriz’ 40th Anniversary Vinyl Mix “Slow Black Death”, and what a killer selection it is, encompassing many styles and perhaps, surprisingly, Diamanda Galás. The first time I met him, we hung out at his old Gambelyan flat, shooting the shit over old metal vinyls while he drank beers and I smoked itals. I am not sure how we got onto the subject, but he told me that while him and Ted (bandmate Nocturno Culto) were recording the legendary A Blaze In The Northern Sky, which just turned China, they would smoke hash and listen to Diamanda Galás. In the dark. He doesn’t blaze any more, but man, from this mix that is almost hard to believe.
Download link & Track list after the jump!
1. Intro
2. Execration (Norway) “Intermezzo I/A Crutch for Consolation” (2011)
3. Jex Thoth (USA) “Kagemni” (2009)
4. Rippikoulu (Finland) “Pimeys Yllä Jumalan Maan” (1993)
5. Diamanda Galás (USA) “Εξελόυμε (Deliver Me)” (1986)
6. Goatlord (USA) “The Fog” (1987)
7. Faustcoven (Norway) “Whisky Demon” (2008)
8. Saturnalia Temple (Sweden) “Aion of Drakon” (2011)
9. Bathory (Sweden) “One Rode to Asa Bay” (1990)

August 16, 2013 at 3:36 am
sweet mix
February 14, 2012 at 2:39 pm
YES! Tracklist looks SICK!!! R I P P I K O U L U ! ! !
On the d/l…