“Different Names for the Same Face” is the latest 7” EP from Vancouver’s crust/grind beasts Burning Ghats. Beast is really the best way to describe this band with their caustic hardcore onslaught. It’s a ferocious effort from the band. It was released last year so unfortunately, we’re a little late to the party but if this was a new release you’d certainly be thinking it’s one of the better hardcore EPs of the year so far. Alas. But let’s not dwell on timing because this EP is great no matter when it’s played. It’s fierce and furious crusty grind savagery. Start to finish.
The vocals really make this EP though. Vocalist Chad Jones sounds like he chews broken glass and guzzles barrels diesel to wash it all down as he spits, roars and spews out his wretched vocals. The riffs are mostly crust laden assaults but at times there’s some devastating flourishes of technicality at play that really work a treat for the bigger picture.
But the most important thing about Burning Ghats is their belligerence and recklessness, and that’s here in fucking spades. This band could kill with an LP, with more time to work with and more room to strike, straight for the jugular. For now, wrap your ears around this racket.

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