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Blackened Crust


Dread’s Buried In Narcissism album is pure bleak blackened hate turned bad. This record was released in 2009 & still kills to this day! Dread’s music sounds like hateful blues slowed down to the point of more hate. You can hear the crusty world in which they live, you can hear the smell of dirty bong water & days old beer. The vocal delivery on Buried In Narcissism has the right amount of torture & murder to it. Their music has the unholy sludge effect that just gets my mind right & the feedback dirge that blows my head back. Dread created one of the heaviest slabs of violence ever recorded – but you be the judge.

Dread’s Buried In Narcissism

Dread: Ringworm Migration

Dread: Introduction to Incompetence

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