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EL CAMINO CAR CRASH is a fairly new Hardcore band based in Dornbirn, which is a town in Austria nearby the Swiss border. Who’d have thought that there are actually some good tunes coming from there? Well, to be perfectly honest, I would, since there were various over-average bands coming from that small local scene over the years. Anyway, despite the name EL CAMINO CAR CRASH isn’t a blatant Swing Kids rip-off, even though the San Diego outfit surely left a few marks in ECCC’s sound and attitude, along with other 90ies (and now happily reunited…) Hardcore bands such as Unbroken, Undertow or newer bands directly influenced by those pioneers. I can especially hear a lot of early Hope Conspiracy in ECCC’s demo, but, and this is of overly importance, they definitely turned all those influences and their own experience (some of those guys have played in other Hardcore/Punk bands for years) into something unique and modern sounding. Read the full review and listen to the demo after the jump!

Cover: El Camino Car Crash 2012 demoEspecially considering the merely fact that this is just a demo, it’s already very, very promising and makes me beg for various chances to see ECCC play live somewhere nearby and some more records of the same spirit and quality. Take the hectic and partly dissonant riffs of Drive Like Jehu or even Nation Of Ulysses and combine them with the groove and flow of 90ies “chugga-chugga” Hardcore à la Undertow. Throw in a good bunch of melodies and you have your super infectious, emotional but not pathetic Hardcore record. Lyrical topics range from personal to political content and everything in between, delivered by an apparently very angry dude.

So I’d strongly recommend that all you people should download and listen to those five songs and watch out for more output of this great band.

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