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80s Hardcore

Deathwish to Armageddon…

What do we have here…a mega brutal 7 inch by two sonic rage giants, Converge & Dropdead, out now via Deathwish & Armageddon. 20 years in the game & both of these bands are still wrecking shit on a whole other level of damage. The Converge song “Runway” kicks in with zany, fast sounds like Lighting Bolt on meth, before the song switches gears into mayhem mode. Dude, I don’t know what plane this band is on, but their song writing skills are out of this world. Jacob Bannon’s delivery on this track is insane & more chaotic than George Bush Jr trying to spell “Truth”. Musically, Converge creates a storm of metallic fury that never lets up from the time the tune starts until it ends way too soon. Next up is the ultra right way to think, Drop Dead with their song “Path of Glory”. This tune is a melodic political blast at the powers that be. To me, it has almost an 80’s vibe about in the vein of the DK’s. The drums on this song come at you like machine gun fire, plus the lyrics are so spot on. On the real, it’s the vocals on this song that drives their message home! This might only be a freaking 7 inch, but it packs a big punch – you should get with it!

[audio:|titles=Converge – Runaway] [audio:|titles=Dropdead – Paths of Glory]
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